Why We Give

Nathan Klahsen   -  

Hey Knollwood, this is a unique time and I want to thank you for how you have faithfully been worshipping our awesome God through financially giving. I know we are unable to gather and be together, but this has shown a lot about my own idols in my own life, and I hope it has for you too. As we go through this unique time, there are some ramifications of us not being able to gather together, and one of those things is our finances as a church. This time makes us struggle and therefore hurts our ability to continue on in the gospel ministry that is going on here at Knollwood. If you’re like me, you may have asked at some point in your life: “Why do I give money to the church?” I hope you have taken the time to ask, but maybe you haven’t thought about it, and I encourage you to do that. But I want you to think it through the lens of God’s Word, so let’s go a little bit deeper into that question. I find this is one of the most taboo topics for people, especially for Christians. That topic is money. I know that it’s a weird topic to be talking about during Easter Weekend, but Easter and how we handle our own money are tied together, let me explain.

We may think: “Oh no, here’s another pastor asking for money”, but I hope you will bear with me as we take a quick look at what the Bible says and walk through answering: “why do we give?” See, when we come to that part of our worship service, this is a time that as Christians, we freely give to the work of the Lord. But offerings are far more than just merely the check that we write on a Sunday or the money that we give online. We are to offer much more to God than only our monetary resources. When we read Romans 12:1, it urges us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God as part of our worship. Even in Romans 6:13, it gives the reason for offering ourselves as that living sacrifice because we have been brought from death to life. And as such, we are to offer our body to him as instruments of righteousness. See, God is not nearly as interested in our monetary offerings as he is in our submission and obedience. And the truth is that he doesn’t need our resources to accomplish his plans and his purposes. After all, the Bible says that he owns the cattle on a thousand hills as Psalms 50 says and needs nothing from us. What he desires, however, and what he values is the heart that overflows with gratitude and thanksgiving to the God who saved, saved us. And who gives us all things knowing our needs before even we ask as Matthew 6:8 says. It is that kind of heart that gives generously and willingly and cheerfully in response to the love and grace that abound in Christ and what the apostle Paul is talking about in 2 Corinthians 9:6-8.

So will you join us as we worship God by giving of our finances? This Easter season, would you consider giving out to the generosity that God has shown you through his son Jesus Christ, how he has lavishly shown us. I want to thank you for how you have worshipped God by giving financially in the past, and I pray this isn’t some sort of guilt trip, but a time that we are reminded this Easter weekend of God’s generosity to us and may our giving come out of that.

There are a few options that you have to give: You can give online at www.knollwood.ca/giving or by text message by just simply texting the amount to 84321. During this time, as we are unable to gather, we have also set up interact transfers so that you can send your money into etransfers to treasurer@knollwood.ca. You can also put your envelope in the church mailbox, which we just put a lockbox on and will be picking that up with the mail each day around 12. And lastly, you can contact our Treasurer at treasurer@knollwood.ca, and he can arrange someone to come into your home and pick up your offer. This Easter weekend, let us continue to remember and give out of the generosity that God has shown us through the Son, Jesus Christ.

I’m looking forward to once again being able to get together with you, but until then, I hope you are able to join us online at live.knollwood.ca.