Christus Victor (Amen) | Revelation 19:1 Do you live like our God is already victorious? I must admit that most often I live defeated. The ongoing fight against sin and the frailty...
Do People See God in Your Life? | Reflections on Genesis 21:22-34 This is from a sermon preached on Genesis 21:22-34. When people look at you, do they see evidence of God’s grace in your life? This...
The God Who Hears and Acts | Reflections on Genesis 21:1–21 This is from a sermon preached on Genesis 21:1-21. Waiting is one of the hardest things we face in life. Whether it’s waiting for answers...
No Compromise: Lessons from Lot in Genesis 19 This is a post from the sermon on Genesis 19. Compromise. It’s a word we hear often and sometimes celebrate—after all, compromise can...
The Power of Gospel Unity: What God Is Doing in London Dear Knollwood Family, I seek to share these things with you to encourage you and also challenge you to pray. I’ve shared this story...
Grace and Mercy Displayed: Lessons from Genesis 18 This is based on the sermon from Genesis 18. Grace and Mercy Displayed: Lessons from Genesis 18 Genesis 18 paints a beautiful picture of...
Trusting in God’s Tender Timing Trusting in God’s Tender Timing In Genesis 15, we find Abram—a man of faith, fresh off a great victory—wrestling with doubt. He has...
True Church, True Good Works: Living Out Grace in Titus 3:9-15 This is a post from the sermon on Titus 3:9-15. The final verses of Titus 3 show us something powerful: The church displays its true nature...
The Transforming Power of God’s Grace Based on the sermon from Titus 3:1-8: Outcome of God’s Grace In the book of Titus, we find profound truths about the gospel and how...
*New Song* Praise My Soul the King of Heaven We are introducing an older hymn but new song to the congregation this Sunday at our Worship Gathering. Conveying the focus, truth and...
Heaven Has Come to Us Heaven Has Come to Us by Sovereign Grace depicts the great truth of the incarnation, God the Son coming to earth and adding to himself...
Search for an Associate Pastor The Elders would like to introduce to you the candidate they have decided to move forward with for the new Associate Pastor position. The...
A Christmas Reflection What is your favourite Christmas carol? I have always been a big fan of Christmas music, whether traditional carols or pop music on the...
Sabbatical: Pastor Nate Hello to our Knollwood Church Family, As Elders, we are thankful to God for Pastor Nathan and his family. They have been with us here at...
Forest Cliff Day Camp Volunteer Opportunity Although at the time that I am writing this it is snowing outside, summer is in fact just around the corner! This summer our church has...
God’s Love Ministry Church Plant: Introducing Sam and Kelly Kim We would like to introduce you to Sam and Kelly, who we hope to bring on as an Associate Pastor at Knollwood. Let us take some time to...
Tip of the Iceberg I was reflecting on these pictures today. It’s incredible to see how the building has changed over the last 3 years. Two renovation...
End of Mask-Mandates Hello Knollwood, this past week was March Break for many of our families, and if you were able to, I hope you could enjoy some time with...
Missionaries’ Updates Ken and Cathy Yinger — Spain “We came back to Spain with a sense of urgency, of wanting to invest in the lives of those who are...
Protected: Draft Constitution (Contact the Office if you missed the email with the password) There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Deacon Nomination After we received members’ recommendations for Deacons, the Deacons and Pastors met with each recommendation and we would like to...
God’s Faithfulness Even When We Aren’t I was recently reminded, convicted, and encouraged as I spent time in 2 Timothy, and I hope to do the same for you. Three points pop out to...
Worship During COVID-19 We are excited to be worshiping together in-person. Wearing of a face-covering is requested. We do ask that you take a short covid screen...
What’s Going On With Bill C-6? You may or may not have heard about what Bill C-6 is, but it is a bill that will affect you and our local church. As this...
Living in Two Worlds I was meeting with a friend the other day who mentioned this statue created by Dean Kermit Allison. I don’t know anything about him,...
Christmas During a Lockdown It has happened again. Once again, we find ourselves in a looming lockdown. What does a lockdown mean for our gathering? It means that we...
The Word became Flesh I’ve been enjoying walking through the Gospel of John with my Knollwood family. It has been encouraging to walk through John and see...
The Unknown Christ and the Known Children As I think back to school, I think about all those school projects. I personally liked to work with a group because it made it more fun,...
What do Deacons Do? Have you ever had a bad experience with a waiter/waitress? I remember a specific time in high school when that happened. In a restaurant, a...
What do Elders Do? At the most basic level, an elder is a man who meets the qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, is a man recognized by his...
80th Anniversary Celebration and Campaign UPDATE: KNOLLWOOD’S 80TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION — JUNE 13, 2021 Save the Date! Knollwood’s 80th anniversary is fast...
What do I do with Psalm 139: 19-22 Psalm 139:19–22 (ESV): Oh that you would slay the wicked, O God! O men of blood, depart from me! They speak against you with malicious...
The Church as the Temple The Church as the Temple Ephesians 2:11-22 As a church we don’t often think of ourselves as God’s temple. As we look through the OT we...
What is the Church? I’m one of those guys who grew up going to church. I am sure there were weeks I was at the building every day of the week. Growing...
Assurance in the Darkest of Times Have you ever been walking around in our home or just outside and had that feeling like someone is watching you? It can be an unsettling...
A Mighty Fortress is our God Can you think back to a recent time when you have felt like life is just overwhelming? What do you do when life feels like it’s...
Dealing Gently In Hebrews 5:2, we see a wonderful picture of the heart of Christ. The writer says, “He can deal gently with the ignorant and...
God’s Faithfulness Over 79 Years What does it mean to you when you think about God’s faithfulness? When I reflect on it, I am overwhelmed with the thought. As we...
Refuse not Him that Speaketh I don’t like being uncomfortable. I don’t think that’s new for anyone, but for me, I think about it all the time, I...
CLAP ALONG IF YOU KNOW YOU DO NOT NEED TO FEAR Hello Friends! I wanted to send a quick hello to tell you how much I miss you, and how much I look forward to doing a Bible Study with you,...
So Take Heart “So Take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told.” – Acts 27:25 Faith is a funny...
At the Worst Possible Time I know in my own life that there have been situations that seem to happen at the worst possible timing Maybe the whole room got quiet just...
Faithful Father and Strength for Today When was the last time you were blown away by something? Just utterly speechless? Some would say that that doesn’t happen so often...
Doubt and Trust If I’m honest, I often doubt God. There’s not much in my life that would cause me to doubt. I think I have a pretty good life,...
Nothing Can Stop God The other day I was in Acts 12 as part of my reading. It’s an engaging narrative, an account that Luke is giving as God continues to...
Why We Give Hey Knollwood, this is a unique time and I want to thank you for how you have faithfully been worshipping our awesome God through...
6 Critical Truths During the Corona Virus Lock This post was written by a missionary friend of Pastor Nate from Quebec, Matthew Fraser serving with Crossworld. Please be praying for...
Don’t Be Afraid I was reminded of Matthew 10 this morning. What a “hit you in the face” passage. All I see on the news, on social media, or...
Seeking God in the Unknown Here’s just a quick couple of thoughts for this new week as we enter into another week of announcements and a little bit of...
Why We Give Financially Growing up, I was blessed with an example of giving. My parents were an example of giving out of a generous heart. Looking back, I am...
Trusting God in the Unknown Acts 3:12 (ESV): “And when Peter saw it he addressed the people: ‘Men of Israel, why do you wonder at this, or why do you stare at us,...
Annual Members’ Meeting It never fails to astonish me how fast a year can go by. The saying is true: “A day feels like a lifetime, a lifetime feels like a...
Square. Let me start by saying that the dictionary says that a commission is: an instruction, command, or duty given to a person or group of...
Table. Something that I have grown to really enjoy in church life are potlucks. I really like a good potluck. So many different options to...
Pulpit. Growing up, when I was little, there was a show, that I believe is still on today, called Thomas the Train. I never got to watch it. First,...
Pulpit. Table. Square. For the next three weeks at Knollwood, we will be taking time to look at how we are disciples who make disciples of Jesus Christ by...
Being a People of Prayer Have you ever done a New Years Resolution? Personally, I don’t get them. Why wait until the beginning of a new year to correct...