Knollwood Evangelism 2023

Cata Albarracin   -  

Guess what? God has been doing great things at Knollwood. Want to know what was going on with Knollwood Evangelistic efforts in 2023?  Hot off the press, and we’re buzzing with excitement to spill the deets!

🎉 Dive into the stories, jaw-dropping victories, and a whole lot of Jesus-love. It’s basically a front-row seat to witnessing lives getting rocked by the good stuff!

Why should you care? Well, imagine your favourite Netflix series, but real-life, God-filled, and seriously uplifting. Evangelism isn’t just about numbers; it’s about making our God known and the incredible impact we can make together as a church sharing the GOSPEL of your salvation and mine with others.

Ready for the scoop? Click [here] to download the 2023 Knollwood Evangelism, and see how you can get involved too! 🚀

Spoiler alert: You won’t want to miss this.