The Transforming Power of God’s Grace

Nathan Klahsen   -  

Based on the sermon from Titus 3:1-8: Outcome of God’s Grace

In the book of Titus, we find profound truths about the gospel and how it transforms our lives. Paul’s words to Titus in chapter 3:1-8 remind us that the Christian life is the fruit of God’s grace, producing lasting change that impacts how we live and relate to others. Here, we are called to remember who we were before Christ, reflect on what God has done, and live as people transformed by His grace.

Remember Who You Were

Before we can fully appreciate what God has done for us, we must first remember who we were. Titus 3:3 paints a sobering picture: “For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another.”

It’s not easy to reflect on the darker aspects of our past. We were once slaves to sin, pursuing selfish desires and living apart from God. The world might tempt us to forget our past and pretend we’ve always had it together. But Scripture reminds us that recognizing our need for grace helps us better see the depth of God’s mercy.

What God Did for Us

The beauty of the gospel shines through in verses 4-7. After describing our fallen state, Paul writes, “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy” (Titus 3:4-5).

This is the heart of the gospel—God’s grace has saved us. It wasn’t our righteousness or good deeds that earned His favour. In fact, we brought nothing to the table but our need for rescue. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we’ve been washed, renewed, and made heirs of eternal life.

We see here that salvation is entirely God’s work. We are not only freed from the consequences of sin but also the power of sin over our lives. The Holy Spirit regenerates and renews us, allowing us to live new lives that reflect God’s grace.

Living as Transformed People

As heirs of the hope of eternal life, our lives are meant to reflect the grace we’ve received. This grace shapes our relationships, our conduct, and our witness. In Titus 3:1-2, Paul instructs us to be submissive to rulers, obedient, ready for every good work, gentle, and courteous to all people. These are the marks of a life transformed by grace.

The Christian life is not about earning favour with God but living in response to His mercy. We are called to do good works, not as a way to gain salvation, but as a fruit of the salvation we’ve already received.

Conclusion: Grace at the Center

At the centre of the Christian life is God’s grace. It transforms us from who we once were into who we are now—people saved, renewed, and empowered to live for God’s glory. The more we reflect on God’s goodness, the more our hearts are stirred with gratitude and a desire to live out that grace in every area of life.

Are you living in light of this transforming grace? Do others see the power of the gospel reflected in your life? As we remember what God has done for us, let’s live as people transformed by His grace, proclaiming the good news of Jesus to a world in need of hope.