Heaven Has Come to Us
Heaven Has Come to Us by Sovereign Grace depicts the great truth of the incarnation, God the Son coming to earth and adding to himself humanity. We read about this in so many Scriptures throughout the Bible.
In Philippians 2:6-7 we read “6…who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.”
We needed a human to represent humanity, but all humanity was dead in the deep darkness of their sinful nature, enemies of God, children of wrath (Eph 2:1-3) All have sinned against God and the punishment for sin is death (Rom. 3:23, 6:23), God’s righteous and just wrath on us for our sin in Hell.
Jesus was the human we needed, stepping down from heaven, into our dark and sinful world, born a lowly babe in a manager.
As verse 2 of the song says…
Unto us meek and mild
God eternal born a helpless child
Set aside heaven’s throne
Veiled in weakness came unto His own
He created the heavens and earth yet walked on the dirt he made. He the living water experienced thirst and the bread of life experienced hunger. Jesus, fully God and fully man, the perfect lamb who did not sin, the word of life, died on the cross. He bore the weight and guilt of our sin upon himself, giving his body and shedding his blood for us, dying on the cross and being laid in a tomb.
But verse 3 of the song points us to the light and hope of Christ
Lived to die, rose to reign
Son of Man the Lamb for sinners slain
Jesus rose, he is alive and through faith in him we are forgiven, justified, reconciled and brought from the kingdom of darkness into God’s kingdom of light, adopted as His children! We can sing, as the chorus of the song does…
What a myst’ry, oh what love
Oh how can it be that heaven has come to us!
I encourage you to listen to the song as we introduce it in our corporate worship this Sunday as we gather to praise and thank our God for this amazing gift of grace through Jesus